Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Ice climbing in Leavenworth-Feb 2007

After a prolonged period of cold weather there was more ice in the Leavenworth area, and Washington is general for that matter, than there had been in several years. This combined with the lack of fresh snow resulted in our snowboards being sitting idle while the ice tools came out hibernation.

Early Saturday morning Gloria and I woke up early and drove to original destination near Mountaineers Creek, a tributary of the appropriately named Icicle Creek and met our friends Jason, Dave, Brad and Reuben. Unfortunately a series of comedic errors prevented us from doing the routes near Mountaineer Creek so and we ended up climbing at an area known as Rainbow Falls which required a much shorter.

My friend Dave Moroles leading the pitch rated at WI4+. (left)

Me toproping the pitch thanks to Dave. (above and left)


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