Friday, July 07, 2006

Foss Lakes Camping

Gloria and both had 4 days off over the Independence Day weekend so we decided to go on a "honeymoon" of sorts (we didn't have a real one). While not very romantic, particularly because Gloria was fighting a bad cold, the Foss Lakes proved to be a relaxing way to spend the weekend.

The hike in passed though some rare old growth forest. Giant Hemlock, Douglas Fir and Cedars trees created a both a beautiful backdrop and some welcome shade on the approach. While the warm weather made for some hot hiking weather and rapid snowment, it also set the forest floor into full bloom. The wildflowers were simply everywhere.

The lakes were full of rainbow and cutthroat trout. I caught one at Little Heart Lake and had it with wild rice for dinner. Yum. Copper Lake, at just over 4000ft. of elevation is pictured below.

All in all, it was a great weekend. We will surely return to the alpine lakes wilderness again.


Blogger David Talbot said...

Tom and Gloria: Where is Foss Lake? Did you do any fishing?

8:13 PM  
Blogger Tom and Gloria's Adventures said...

THe Foss Lakes are part of the Alpine Lakes Wilderness in Washington State. Specifically they are on the west side of the Cascade Range, south of highway 2. The nearest town is Skykomish. We did do a bit of fishing. In 15 minitues or so I caught 1 cutthrout and hooked (but lost)one rainbow. At this elevation the growing season is short and the fish are fairly small, usually 8-12" and occasionally a bit larger.

8:19 PM  

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